The event was organized by CAPPI and Banco Roela Meerkat was present at the Regional Internet Providers Meeting, Córdoba chapter, organized by Banco Roela and the Argentine Chamber of Small Internet Providers (CAPPI), at the venue of the local Stock Exchange. The main subject of the event was: “ISPs: essential for the digitalization of Argentina”, and during the presentation several …
Defined and registered processes, a great advantage
When it comes to organizing customer service, it is essential to have these two points in order to save time and resources When it comes to customer service, it is not enough just to have a solid team that responds effectively to users’ demands. It is also necessary that the processes are well defined and that all contacts generated are …
Facing crises without disruption
How new tools help mitigate crises and avoid system crashes When a malfunction occurs that generates a massive service outage or other similar inconveniences that affect a large number of users at the same time, it is common for them to turn massively and simultaneously to make their claims to the service provider. This situation brings with it a rather …
The importance of having data.
It allows not only to manage contacts but also to improve the quality of service. In an increasingly digitized world, where today almost everything goes through devices or computers, having concrete and accurate data is becoming crucially important. In fact, in recent years there has been a boom in Big Data to the point that no one doubts that it …
24/7, clients assisted and satisfied
Why it is essential to have a permanent customer care service In recent years, many people have changed the way they work, entertain themselves, study and even socialize; moreover, the times they do so have also changed. Statistics show that today more than 70 percent of people spend more than 4 hours a day connected by any of the systems, …
Synchronous and Asynchronous service, the best of two worlds
The combination of both systems allows for better interaction with users and guarantees their satisfaction. Asynchronous and synchronous systems have been discussed many times. And the subject can lead to some confusion, especially when it comes to customer service. To clarify the picture a little, when we mention both terms we are referring to the simultaneity with which the communication …
We participated in the Regional Meeting of CAPPI
More than one hundred Internet Service Providers from all over Argentina participated in the event Meerkat participated this weekend in the Regional Meeting of Small Internet Providers, which took place in San Carlos de Bariloche, province of Río Negro, Argentina, organized by the Argentine Chamber of Small Internet Providers (CAPPI). The event brought together more than a hundred ISP executives and …
Why a highly specialized customer service team is needed
Customers are increasingly demanding not only quality service, but also efficient pre- and post-sales service. We have mentioned in several previous posts the importance of good customer service, not only in terms of contracting a service, but also in order to achieve customer fidelity. In addition to the quality of the service or product offered, consumers are increasingly demanding fast …
Is your company up to the challenge of the new times?
The cultural changes that have taken place in the last two years have made it necessary to offer a high quality Customer Service Although it may sound paradoxical, the appearance of the coronavirus at the end of 2019 and the consequent restrictions implemented – to a greater or lesser extent – by health authorities at the global level, had a …
Having a chatbot is important, but… Is it enough?
Customer service is becoming more and more dynamic and therefore requires complementary tools. Having a Chatbot as a customer service channel is no longer a novelty. In fact, today almost all companies have these systems and they are no longer strange to users. A Chatbot is a customer service software that, with or without the intervention of Artificial Intelligence, manages …