The advance of time brings a series of changes. It is forecast that for this year, customers will prioritize service quality over price and product. This is what will make them loyal to a brand. To provide a great experience, attract and retain customers, there are 5 fundamental characteristics you should know. Service agility One of the tools to achieve …
The need of a ticket system
Faced with a growth in clients, contact cases increase and there comes a point where the service team becomes saturated. While human resolution is useful and necessary, it is not enough and constantly expanding the team comes at a high cost. It is for this reality that the ticket system was devised. It does not replace the human factor, but …
The implementation of Chatbot is important, but not enough
Contacting through a channel and receiving a friendly greeting from a bot is no longer strange for Internet users. According to Van Baker, vice president of research at Gartner, “By 2021, more than 50% of medium and large companies will have implemented chatbots in their products.” A Chat with a bot is a customer service software that, with or without …
There is no omnichannel experience without centralization
Omnichannel, a communication model provided by companies that allows their customers to contact them through multiple channels of their choice, is the new paradigm and as we well know, it has its outstanding virtues. But it also has its other side: the typical and repetitive case where the client is contacted by several channels at the same time to speed …
Working from home and having a massive network failure under control, IS possible
The change in the work modality given the current context and the new resolution of social, mandatory and preventive isolation for customer service centers, puts ISPs at risk. Among many of the problems generated, a large percentage of user calls are due to massive network failures. How to attend to these needs if, in addition to overcoming the agents, they …
Make it easy for your Client to pay in Term
The current global context and the resolution of mandatory social isolation without a certain expiration date, bring together two urgent situations to be resolved by mass service companies such as ISPs. 1. Sustain the cash flow of charging.2. Offer the Client a simple platform that collaborates in changing their habits. He already knows that from now onwards will have to …
Omnichannel: The 360 Vision
Omnichannel; a communication model used by companies to improve the experience of their customers, allowing them to be in constant contact with the company through multiple channels at the same time. The great value of omnichannel is offering the customer the choice of communicating with their provider. Adapting the organization’s processes to all channels is the way to achieve a …
The COVID Challenge for ISPs
The growth in Internet demand due to the sudden increase in Home Office, Home School and family entertainment, bound to the consequent increase in complaints, inquiries and daily sales, it is the great challenge for ISPs to maintain quality for their customers . Additionally, as companies, we want to preserve the health of our collaborators, practicing Home Office. The reduction …
Attending to the essentials and automating tasks that do not require your valuable time, IS POSSIBLE!
In this time of changeS and increased demand of Internet by ISP customers, service teams tend to be saturated. Likewise, working from our homes, given the resolution of isolation, makes it even more complex. It is important to prioritize contacts by sales and complex administrative tasks. In order to have this time, it is necessary to automate all the tasks …