As we mentioned last week in "How to retain your customers", customer service is a key element to conquer and retain customers, because although a good service is essential to achieve this goal, the correct attention and solution of complaints or queries guarantees the total satisfaction of the users.
Moreover, in this era of so much supply and competition, customer retention has become a fundamental asset for any company. And when it comes to a service company, this need is even greater; it is a vital task.
In this sense, Meerkat Cx is an essential tool to achieve this objective. A clear example is that of the company Velonet, from Medellin, Colombia: according to a survey conducted among its users last January, 92.8% responded that they would recommend their internet service, and the same percentage was satisfied with their customer service based, precisely, on Meerkat Cx since our platform allowed them to serve every day, 24 hours a day, in all simultaneous channels offered by the company. (telephone, Whatsapp, Facebook Messenger, Web Chat and Telegram).
If you want to know why, do not hesitate to request an interview with us.