The mega exhibition covered the hottest topics in technology today.
Undoubtedly, Andina Link is becoming one of the most important technological events in Latin America. Not only because of the number of visitors and participants (this year there were several thousand people), but also because its scope transcends continental borders (there were visitors from all over the world) and its agenda includes today’s hottest topics.
Andina Link’s 30th edition, held last week in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, brought together key decision-makers from Internet service providers, cable operators, telecommunications companies, governments and other related industries.
The FICA Forum brought together a large audience to discuss the future of telecommunications in the era of Artificial Intelligence and the Internet of things. There, they discussed the opportunities and challenges involved in the implementation of AI in labour and social areas. The Forum also explored the challenges associated with the arrival of 5G technology in the region and a round table was held to discuss the keys of telemetry and telecontrol with regard to the operation of Smart Cities.

Our CEO and founder, Federico Weidemann, with the executive Francisco Franchin
Marcelo De Ambrosio’s presentation on the future of telecommunications in the world was another highlight.
In this regard, the Smart Cities Forum was held in parallel, during which the regulatory challenges faced by smart cities in the continent were analyzed, as well as the financing strategies for their transformation.
These were in addition to the various training and updated courses on new technologies and the traditional commercial exhibition in which the participating companies (Meerkat showed the operation of its omnichannel solution MeerkatCx and its participation in the payment platform Pagoralia).
We would like to thank all the attendees and especially the organization for the attention to detail as well as for the predisposition and reception we received from all the participants.
See you all next year!
If you want to know more about MeerkatCx, please do not hesitate to contact us.