What is NPS and what is used for?

It helps measure the degree of customer satisfaction and loyalty

In any activity that has customers as its final target, it is well known that their level of satisfaction and loyalty is a vital consideration. And while until a few decades ago it was difficult to measure these parameters, nowadays,  thanks to the tools offered by technology, it is quite simple having the information.

So, how does one obtain this data? Through the Net Promoter Score (NPS), which is "a tool that allows us to measure the loyalty of the public towards a company or brand and the recommendations they would make"

This NPS is obtained through brief surveys in which users are asked to give a score (generally from 0 to 10) as to whether they would recommend the brand and why they give it that score. The results show that those who give scores of 9 to 10 (Promoters) are very satisfied and will recommend the company; those who score between 7 and 8 (Passives) are satisfied but not dazzled with the service and may change company, while those who score from 0 to 6 (Detractors) have a negative view of the company.

Among the benefits offered by Meerkat Cx,  NPS can be generated and find out what vision customers have of the company and helps to take the appropriate measures to solve any situation that may affect customer satisfaction. In addition, it is a very valuable tool to establish company policies on what is expected from employees.

If you want to know more about Meerkat Cx , please feel free to contact us.