How to incorporate Meerkat Cx in your company

You can quickly and easily count on the best tool for customer service.

A few weeks ago we have been commenting on the improvements that we applied to our comprehensive customer service tool Meerkat Cx 2.0, which aimed to provide it with a more complete interface and, at the same time, more practical and easier to operate.

And, although it may seem unreachable or complicated to access, hiring this solution is really very fast and simple and in very few steps you can  have what is undoubtedly the best solution that can be found in the market today.

How is the process? First, you must contact us through our website or any other support channel (Whatsapp, Telegram, Facebook Messenger, text message, email or phone call). Our Bot will request your contact details. Afterwards, one of our agents will get in touch with you to find out not only the operation type  of your company, but also your specific needs, since it is a tool that adapts to the characteristics of each customer.

Once the type of service to be provided has been agreed upon, we will proceed to the development and production of the software; this will allow us to deliver the finished product and we will follow up not only its implementation but clear any doubts that may arise. This support, obviously, does not end there, as it will be permanently provided during  the contract period.

If you want to know more about Meerkat Cx 2.0, please do not hesitate to contact us.